Which Sport Has The Most Broken Bones?

As a fan of sports, it’s always exciting to watch athletes push themselves to the limit and achieve greatness. But with that excitement comes the risk of injury, and some sports are more notorious for causing broken bones than others. So, which sport has the most broken bones?

It’s a question that has been asked time and time again, with many different opinions and answers. Some might argue that contact sports like football or hockey are the most dangerous, while others might point to extreme sports like snowboarding or skateboarding. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the data and try to determine which sport truly has the highest number of broken bones. So, grab your ice packs and let’s dive in!


Which Sport Has the Most Broken Bones?

Sports can be a great way to stay in shape and have some fun, but there are risks of injury associated with them. One of the most common injuries is broken bones. But which sport has the highest rate of broken bones?


Football is a physical sport that often leads to broken bones. Players wear helmets and pads to protect them, but there are still many injuries due to the contact involved. Broken bones are common in football because of the violence of the tackles, blocks, and other contact. Also, the speed of the game can cause players to slip and fall, which can lead to broken bones.

The most common broken bones in football are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the tackles and blocks, while the legs are often injured due to the speed of the game and the agility required. Players may also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the violent nature of the sport.

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Basketball is another sport that often leads to broken bones. Players do not wear helmets or pads to protect them, so the risk of broken bones is even higher. The most common broken bones in basketball are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the physical nature of the game, while the legs are often injured due to the speed of the game.

Players can also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the physical nature of the game. The most common cause of broken bones in basketball is a hard foul or collision with another player. This can lead to broken bones in the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body.


Hockey is a physical sport that often leads to broken bones. Players wear helmets and pads to protect them, but there are still many injuries due to the contact involved. Broken bones are common in hockey because of the violence of the checks and other contact. Also, the speed of the game can cause players to slip and fall, which can lead to broken bones.

The most common broken bones in hockey are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the checks, while the legs are often injured due to the speed of the game and the agility required. Players may also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the violent nature of the sport.


Baseball is a physical sport that can also lead to broken bones. Players do not wear helmets or pads to protect them, so the risk of broken bones is even higher. The most common broken bones in baseball are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the physical nature of the game, while the legs are often injured due to the speed of the game.

Players can also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the physical nature of the game. The most common cause of broken bones in baseball is a hard throw or collision with another player. This can lead to broken bones in the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body.


Gymnastics is a physical sport that can also lead to broken bones. Gymnasts do not wear helmets or pads to protect them, so the risk of broken bones is even higher. The most common broken bones in gymnastics are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the physical nature of the sport, while the legs are often injured due to the agility required.

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Players can also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the physical nature of the sport. The most common cause of broken bones in gymnastics is a hard fall or collision with another gymnast. This can lead to broken bones in the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body.


Skateboarding is a physical sport that can also lead to broken bones. Skateboarders do not wear helmets or pads to protect them, so the risk of broken bones is even higher. The most common broken bones in skateboarding are in the arms and legs. The arms are often injured due to the physical nature of the sport, while the legs are often injured due to the speed and agility required.

Skateboarders can also suffer broken ribs or collarbones due to the physical nature of the sport. The most common cause of broken bones in skateboarding is a hard fall or collision with another skater. This can lead to broken bones in the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sport has the most broken bones?

The sport that has the most broken bones is extreme sports, such as snowboarding and skateboarding. These activities involve a lot of risk taking, which can lead to more broken bones than other sports. According to a study done in 2019, extreme sports accounted for over 60% of all broken bones in athletes between the ages of 12 and 25.

In addition, football and basketball are also known for their high rates of broken bones. Both of these sports involve a lot of contact, which increases the risk of a broken bone. Football players can experience broken bones due to tackles and collisions, while basketball players can injure themselves while trying to make a layup or jump shot.

Are broken bones common in sports?

Yes, broken bones are very common in sports. While some sports are more prone to broken bones than others, any sport can lead to a broken bone if a player is not careful. Broken bones can occur due to contact with other players, falling, poor technique, or simply not taking the necessary precautions during practice and games.

For example, a basketball player may suffer a broken bone if they jump too high for a layup and land awkwardly. Or a football player may break a bone if they are tackled too hard. It is important for athletes to take all the necessary precautions to prevent broken bones and other serious injuries.

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What can athletes do to prevent broken bones?

Athletes can take several steps to prevent broken bones. First, they should always wear the proper protective gear when playing a sport. This includes helmets, pads, and other protective gear that can help reduce the risk of a broken bone.

In addition, athletes should also make sure they are following the rules of the sport and practicing proper technique. For example, football players should know the proper tackling techniques to prevent a broken bone. And basketball players should practice proper form when shooting a layup or jump shot.

Which bones are most prone to breaking?

The bones that are most prone to breaking are the bones in the arms and legs. These bones are most vulnerable to injuries due to their size and location in the body. For example, a football player may suffer a broken arm if they are tackled too hard. Or a basketball player may break a leg if they land awkwardly after going for a layup.

In addition, the bones in the hands and feet can also be prone to breaking. This is because these areas of the body are more exposed and can be easily injured. For example, a soccer player may break a finger if they are kicked in the hand. Or a boxer may suffer a broken toe if they are hit in the feet.

What should athletes do if they break a bone?

If an athlete breaks a bone, they should immediately seek medical attention. It is important to get a professional diagnosis to ensure the bone is properly treated and healed. In some cases, surgery may be required to properly mend the bone.

In addition, athletes should also take it easy while the bone is healing. This means avoiding any activities that may put pressure on the broken bone. Rest and ice can help reduce swelling and pain, while physical therapy may be recommended to help strengthen the bone. With proper treatment and care, most broken bones will heal in a few weeks or months.

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The nature of each sport, the level of intensity, and the individual athlete’s technique and conditioning all play a significant role in determining the likelihood of suffering a broken bone. However, certain sports such as football, basketball, and hockey have a higher incidence of bone fractures due to the physical contact and collisions involved.

Despite the risk of injury, athletes continue to participate in these sports and push their bodies to the limit. With advances in sports medicine and rehabilitation techniques, athletes are also able to recover from injuries faster and get back to the game they love. Ultimately, it is up to each individual athlete to weigh the risks and rewards of their chosen sport and take the necessary precautions to stay safe and healthy.

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