How to Play Pickleball With Tennis Elbow?

To play pickleball with tennis elbow, use a larger grip size on the paddle and avoid using backhand strokes. Pickleball is a popular racquet sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong.

However, players with tennis elbow may find it challenging to participate in this activity due to the pain and discomfort caused by the condition. Tennis elbow is a type of repetitive strain injury that affects the tendons in the elbow and causes pain and inflammation.

Fortunately, there are ways to modify your pickleball game to avoid exacerbating the symptoms of tennis elbow. By using a paddle with a larger grip size, avoiding backhand strokes, and employing other methods to reduce strain on the elbow, individuals with tennis elbow can continue to enjoy pickleball without aggravating their condition.

How to Play Pickleball With Tennis Elbow?


Understanding Pickleball & Tennis Elbow

Pickleball is a fun and fast-paced sport that is becoming increasingly popular among players of all ages. It’s a combination of tennis, ping pong, and badminton, played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. However, just like any physical activity, there is a risk of injuries, and one of the most common ones is tennis elbow.

Explanation Of Pickleball:

  • Pickleball is a racket sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors.
  • The court is smaller than a tennis court, and it has a lower net, making it easier for beginners to learn.
  • It’s played with a paddle that looks like an oversized ping pong paddle, and a ball that resembles a whiffle ball.

What Is Tennis Elbow?

  • Tennis elbow is a common injury that results from overusing the muscles and tendons in the forearm.
  • It causes pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow and can make it difficult to grip and lift objects.
  • While it’s called “tennis elbow”, it’s not just limited to tennis players. Anyone who repetitively uses the forearm muscles can develop tennis elbow.

Causes Of Tennis Elbow:

  • Repeatedly hitting the ball with poor technique can cause tennis elbow.
  • Holding the paddle too tightly and hitting the ball too hard can cause tennis elbow.
  • Not allowing enough time for recovery and rest in between games can cause tennis elbow.
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To prevent tennis elbow while playing pickleball, it’s important to use proper technique and to warm up before playing. Additionally, taking breaks, stretching, using an elbow brace, and icing the elbow after playing can help to prevent and alleviate pain.

Remember to listen to your body, take breaks, and adjust your gameplay to avoid injury.

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow

Pickleball is a fun sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, it can be difficult to play when you have tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is a painful condition that can hinder your ability to play pickleball.

Luckily, there are ways to play pickleball with tennis elbow. In this post, we will discuss the symptoms of tennis elbow and how to alleviate the pain while playing pickleball.

Tennis elbow is a condition that affects the tendon on the outer part of the elbow. It can be caused by repetitive motions such as playing tennis or pickleball. The symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Pain and tenderness: The most common symptom of tennis elbow is pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. The pain can also travel down the forearm and wrist.
  • Weakness in grip: People with tennis elbow may experience weakness in their grip, making it difficult to hold a pickleball paddle.
  • Difficulty in moving the arm: Another symptom of tennis elbow is difficulty in moving the arm. This can make it challenging to perform basic pickleball shots.

To alleviate the pain caused by tennis elbow, there are a few things you can do.

  • Use a compression band: A compression band can help ease the pain and reduce inflammation. It wraps around the forearm and applies pressure to the affected area.
  • Modify your grip: Instead of using a standard grip, try using a larger grip or wrap an overgrip around your paddle for additional padding. This will reduce the stress on your forearm and elbow while playing pickleball.
  • Stretch and relax: Before and after playing pickleball, stretch your forearm muscles and massage them. This can help alleviate the pain and improve circulation.

By taking these steps, you can play pickleball with tennis elbow and enjoy the game without discomfort. Remember to always listen to your body and stop playing if the pain becomes too intense. With these tips, you can continue to play pickleball without exacerbating your tennis elbow symptoms.

Preparing For Pickleball With Tennis Elbow

How To Play Pickleball With Tennis Elbow?

Are you struggling with tennis elbow but still want to enjoy playing pickleball? It’s essential to properly prepare yourself to prevent further injury and enjoy the game. We will discuss the key points to consider when preparing for pickleball with tennis elbow.

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Consult A Doctor

Before participating in any sport or physical activity, it’s essential to consult a doctor, particularly if you have any underlying health conditions or injuries. When dealing with tennis elbow, it’s crucial to seek medical advice to ensure that the condition is not aggravated by the sport.

Ensure that you follow the doctor’s advice and recommendations before indulging in any physical activity.

Stretching & Warmup Exercises

Stretching and warming up before playing pickleball help reduce the risk of injury and is especially important when dealing with tennis elbow. The following stretching and warmup exercises can help prepare you for the game:

  • Wrist rotations: Rotate both wrists in a circular motion, clockwise and anti-clockwise.
  • Shoulder stretches: Hold your right arm across your chest with your left hand and hold. Repeat with the left arm.
  • Triceps stretches: Bring your right arm overhead, bend it at the elbow, and place your right hand behind your head. Hold your right elbow with your left hand and stretch your right triceps. Repeat with the left arm.
  • Forearm stretches: Place your right arm in front of your body with your palm facing down. With the other hand, use your fingers to hold your right hand and pull it towards your wrist. Repeat with the left arm.

Use Of Elbow Braces

Elbow braces are an excellent solution when dealing with tennis elbow. They help provide additional support and compression to the affected area, preventing further damage. Make sure to consult with your physician to recommend the best elbow brace for your condition.

Using proper technique while playing pickleball can also help alleviate strain on the elbow. Remember to focus on your form and not overexert the affected arm to prevent further injury.

With proper preparation and the right equipment, you can play pickleball safely even with tennis elbow. Consult your doctor, perform proper stretching and warmup exercises, and use elbow braces to protect the affected area while playing. Remember to maintain proper form and technique to prevent further injuries.

Techniques For Playing Pickleball With Tennis Elbow

Playing a fun sport like pickleball becomes troublesome when tennis elbow strikes. Tennis elbow, known as lateral epicondylitis, is an injury that occurs from overusing the elbow. Symptoms include pain and stiffness. It’s essential to take it easy and take care of your body when playing with tennis elbow.

Here are some tips that you can follow:

Opt For Soft Pickleballs

Choosing the right ball can help alleviate pain and discomfort. Soft pickleballs lessen the impact on your elbow, making it easier to play. Soft pickleballs are lightweight and require less force to hit, putting less stress on your elbow. By opting for a softer ball, you can continue playing pickleball even with tennis elbow pain.

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Use A Lightweight Paddle

The weight of the paddle can also contribute to pain and discomfort. A heavy paddle puts more strain on the elbow, worsening the condition, and causing more pain. On the other hand, a lightweight paddle reduces the force needed to hit the ball.

Therefore, using a lightweight paddle is a good idea to avoid making tennis elbow worse.

Avoid High-Impact Shots

Playing pickleball with tennis elbow requires avoiding high-impact shots. High-impact shots cause the elbow to jerk, potentially causing pain and damage. It’s better for people with tennis elbow to use low-impact shots that don’t jerk the elbow. Soft serves, dinks, and lobs are some of the low-impact shots that you can use in pickleball games.

Proper Footwork And Positioning

Taking the right position and utilizing proper footwork can highly impact the game and help proficiently play with tennis elbow pain. Pivoting, lunging or leaning the body into a shot may put a strain on the elbow. Therefore, keeping a neutral body position with feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to the net may help alleviate the pressure on the elbow.

Keeping the racket up and close to the body can reduce the risk of an injury.

Playing your favorite sport can be very enjoyable, but sustaining an injury can interrupt your game and cause discomfort. Proper techniques make playing pickleball with tennis elbow more manageable. By choosing softer balls, light paddles, low-intensity shots, and taking the right body position, you can continue having fun and easily manage the pain.

[FAQs] Frequently Asked Questions On How To Play Pickleball With Tennis Elbow?

How Does Tennis Elbow Affect Pickleball Play?

Pickleball can aggravate tennis elbow. The twisting motions common in the sport can cause pain and inflammation in the elbow. However, you may play pickleball with elbow support and by altering your swing to reduce strain on your elbow.

What Elbow Support Works Best For Pickleball?

Compression sleeves and elbow braces are ideal for supporting the elbow during pickleball. These offer relief from the painful symptoms of tennis elbow. They help to compress the muscles around the elbow, reducing movement and providing support.

Can I Play Pickleball With Tennis Elbow?

Yes, you can play pickleball with tennis elbow. However, it is essential to take precautions to minimize pain and further injury. Consider adjusting your swing, practicing proper technique, taking breaks, and wearing appropriate elbow support.


To sum up, playing pickleball with tennis elbow can be challenging but not impossible. You must take proper precautions and follow the tips mentioned in this blog post. Warm-up exercises, proper technique, and using the right equipment can help you avoid aggravating your tennis elbow.

If you do experience discomfort or pain, make sure you take a break and give your elbow time to heal. Remember that your health and well-being come first. With patience and persistence, you can successfully enjoy pickleball while managing your tennis elbow.

Don’t let this common injury deter you from playing the game you love. Just remember to take care of yourself and you’ll be on your way to hitting those winning shots in no time.

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