How Many Let Serves are Allowed in Table Tennis?

In table tennis, each player is allowed to make up to two let serves per game. Table tennis is a fast-paced sport that requires agility, precision, and strategy.

One of the most important skills in table tennis is serving, as it can greatly impact the outcome of the game. However, players must adhere to certain rules, including the number of let serves allowed per game. Let serves occur when the ball hits the net during a serve but still lands on the opponent’s side.

In such cases, the serve is replayed without any penalty for either player. While players are allowed to use let serves, they are limited to only two per game. This rule ensures fair play and prevents players from overusing this tactic to gain an unfair advantage over their opponent.

How Many Let Serves are Allowed in Table Tennis?


What Are Let Serves In Table Tennis?

Definition Of Let Serves

In table tennis, a let serve happens when a player serves the ball, but it touches the net on its way to the opponent’s court. The serve is considered a let, and the player gets a second chance to serve.

If the ball hits the net and goes over to the opponent’s court, it is also considered a let. Here are some essential points to understand about let serves:

  • Let serves are allowed in all levels of table tennis, from recreational to professional play.
  • A let serve does not count as a point for either player.
  • A player must make a legal serve on their second attempt, or they lose the point.
  • The rules for let serves vary slightly between different table tennis organizations.

Historical Background Of Let Serves

Let serves have been a part of table tennis since the game’s inception. In the early days of the sport, players were required to serve underhand, and let serves were not as common. As the game evolved and players started serving overhand, let serves became more prevalent.

Here are some key moments in the history of let serves in table tennis:

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  • In the 1930s, the international table tennis federation (ittf) introduced rules for let serves, including the requirement that the ball must clear the net after hitting it.
  • In the 1970s, some players began using high-toss serves, which made it more difficult for opponents to return the ball. Let serves became more common as a way to counteract this style of serving.
  • In recent years, the rules around let serves have evolved to prevent players from abusing the system. For example, some organizations have introduced limits on the number of let serves a player can have in a single match.

Overall, let serves remain an important part of the game of table tennis. They add an element of unpredictability and excitement to matches, while also requiring players to stay on their toes and be ready for anything.

How Are Let Serves Called In Table Tennis Games?

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a popular indoor sport played by players across the globe. One crucial aspect of the game is the server’s ability to throw a proper serve without committing any faults. Let serves, which occur when the ball touches the net on the way to the opponent’s side, is a critical rule in table tennis.

But, how are these serves called? Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding Table Tennis Referee Jargons

As with most sports, table tennis refers to specific jargon that the umpire or the referee uses to communicate with the players. A few critical terms, especially regarding let serves calling, are essential to understanding the game’s rules. These are:

  • Let
  • Net
  • Fault
  • Replay
  • Point to opponent

Table Tennis Rules Of Calling Let Serves

In table tennis, the player serves diagonally across the table. If the serve hits the net and bounces over to the opponent’s side, and the opponent doesn’t return it, the serving player earns a point. A let serve occurs when the server hits the ball without committing any other fault, and the ball lands on the net and goes over to the other side.

According to the rules of the game, the umpire or the referee should call a let if:

  • The ball hits the net during service
  • The ball changes direction after hitting the net and falls into the correct service court or onto the receiver’s side of the table
  • The server is not ready, and the receiver is not at fault

The referee can stop play if he/she feels a player’s ability to see or hear the ball is being compromised due to external interference or noise. They can also call a let if, during doubles play, the ball touches the server’s partner or anything they wear or carry.

Common Misconceptions On Let Serves

Despite the straightforward rules on calling let serves in table tennis, many misconceptions abound. Here are some of the misconceptions that players have:

  • The ball only needs to touch the net cord to be a let. This is untrue, as the ball is considered “let” or “fault” based on the severity of the net’s contact or the net’s vibration.
  • The server can only hit the ball from under the table. Again, this claim is unfounded as the server can hit the ball from anywhere, provided they serve within the laws of the game.
  • The umpire always calls a let serve. Not every instance of the ball hitting the net during a serve is a let. The rules state that a let should only be called based on specific conditions.
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Understanding the game’s rules and the proper way of calling let serves is critical to enjoy and compete in table tennis. Referees, umpires, and players all play a part in ensuring fair play and observing the laws of the game.

How Many Let Serves Are Allowed In A Single Game?

Overview Of The No-Limit Let Serve Rule

Table tennis is a game that requires immense skill and precision. Many of the rules of the game can be difficult to master, and one of the most challenging is the let serve rule. This is a rule that can prove to be a headache for players, especially when multiple let serves occur.

Let’s explore the rule and its variations in more detail.

Situations Where Multiple Let Serves Can Occur

There are a variety of situations where multiple let serves can occur in a single game of table tennis. This rule can create confusion and frustration among players, and it’s important to know when it applies. Here are some of the key points to keep in mind:

  • When both players agree to let serves: In certain cases, both players may agree that let serves are allowed. They may do this if they wish to replay a point that they feel was unfairly awarded.
  • Technical failures: Technical failures, such as equipment malfunctions, can often lead to let serves. This rule is in place to ensure that players do not receive unfair advantages due to equipment malfunctions.
  • Other causes: Other causes of let serves include when the ball touches the net during a serve, when the receiver is not ready, or if the ball is served outside the playing area.

The unlimited let serve rule can often create confusion and uncertainty in table tennis games. However, by understanding the rule’s variations, you can ensure that you are prepared to handle its nuances when they occur.

What Happens When A Let Serve Is Called?

How Many Let Serves Are Allowed In Table Tennis?

Table tennis can be an intense and exciting sport, with much depending on the players’ skills and knowledge of the game’s rules. One such rule pertains to let serves, which can happen in any game, whether amateur or professional. A let serve in table tennis occurs when the ball contacts the net on the serve but still lands in the service box of the opponent’s side.

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So how many let serves can a player make? Let’s delve deeper into this game’s rule and understand what happens when a let serve is called.

A let serve occurs when a player’s serve hits the net but still lands on the opponent’s side in the correct service box. According to the international table tennis federation (ittf) rules, if a let serve occurs, then the player gets to retry the serve without penalty.

Code Of Conduct Of Players After A Let Serve

Let serves can be a cause of contention during the game. However, according to the ittf code of conduct, the players must follow specific protocols after a let serve is called:

  • Players must remain silent and still after a let serve until the rally ends,
  • Players should not question the umpire’s decision if a let serve is called, and
  • Players may not call a let serve on their own during a game.

Restarting The Serve And Unintentional Let Services

If a player’s hand touches the top of the net or the net’s support, or there is any obstruction in the server’s line of sight caused by environmental factors, then the serve will not count. Thus, the player can try again without penalty.

Furthermore, if a player’s server touches any part of the opponent’s court or touches the opponent’s net or racket, the serve is considered out. This rule applies even when the player did not intend to touch the net or the opponent’s side of the court.

The serve is then awarded to the opposing player, and their point will be counted.

While let serves can be controversial and may lead to disruptions in the game, the rules surrounding them are clear. A player gets to retry the serve in case of a let, and certain protocols must be followed. As with any game, the rules of table tennis help maintain a fair and level playing field for all players.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Many Let Serves Are Allowed In Table Tennis?

How Many Let Serves Are Allowed In Table Tennis?

Players are allowed to serve let balls that hit the net and still bounce in the server’s service area. Players can serve let balls for as long as they want, provided the server successfully puts the ball in play on each serve.

Is A Let Serve A Fault In Table Tennis?

A let ball is not a fault and does not count as a point for the opposing player. Instead, the server must repeat the serve until the ball is successfully put in play.

What Happens If A Player Serves Two Consecutive Let Balls?

If a player serves two consecutive let balls, play continues until the ball is put in play or a fault is made. If a fault is made, the opponent gets one point.

Can A Player Intentionally Hit A Let Serve?

No. Intentionally hitting a let serve is against the rules of table tennis and can result in a point or game loss, depending on the severity of the offense.

Are There Any Restrictions To Where A Let Serve Can Land?

No. A let serve may land anywhere on the opponent’s side of the table as long as it clears the net and lands in the correct service box.


It is evident that let serves are an integral part of table tennis and can impact the game immensely. Most players consider let serves as a stroke of luck rather than a planned strategy. It is important to remember that only a limited number of let serves are allowed in a game and exploiting them beyond the permissible limit can result in losing points.

Let serves can also be a crucial part of a player’s defense, but they should not solely rely on them as their main strategy. As with any other aspect of the game, it is important to practice and polish one’s skills to improve their game.

Table tennis is a game of skill, speed, and strategy, and players must hone all aspects of their game to excel in this sport.

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